Y ya van 8. ¿Quién nos lo iba a decir allá por el 2 003?
Este año hay una novedad. Bueno, un par.
La primera es que, aprovechando que en la Universidad Europea de Madrid
se ha creado un grupo de lacrosse, vamos a potenciarlo jugando el torneo
en sus instalaciones. Es un pequeño sacrificio, pero interesa que sigan creciendo.
El segundo cambio es que vamos a jugar en formato 7 contra 7.
General Information
Saturday 15/05/2010: From 10:00 to 19:00 hours
Sunday 16/05/2010: From 10:30 to 13:00 hours
Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM).
while clicking to open de link).
How to get there
Take the bus number 518, from metro/bus station Principe Pío to Villaviciosa
de Odon. The bus leaves every 20 minutes and it takes around 30-40 minutes
to arrive. The stop is “Campus Universidad”.
Click here to see the web site with the timetable for the bus (maybe you have
to hold down the Ctrl key while clicking to open de link).
Where to eat
There is a Student Dormitory building near the field with a cafeteria.
UEM Lacrosse
Pick up Team
The matches
7 players on the field (2 attacks, 2 middies, 2 defenders, 1 goalkeeper)
Duration of matches: 4 quarters of 12 minutes each.
Off side: less than 2 attacks and 2 defenders (+ goalie) on each side of the field.
Referees: each team has to contribute with 2 referees for the tournament.
The party will be on Saturday, around 22:00 hours.
Place for party: “CAMPUS”, in Paseo Juan XXIII, nº
exist Juan XIII.
Drinks will be cheaper with a bracelet or some tickets we will give during the
Important note:
The schedule for the matches must be followed, so if the
teams are not on the field on time, they will lose that time of the game. If one
team arrives with a delay of 15 minutes or more, it team will lose the game,
although they can play the rest of the time reserved for that match just for the fun of it.
Resumiendo, jugamos en las instalaciones de la Universidad Europea de Madrid
en Villaviciosa de Odón el sábado 15 de mayo de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y el domingo
16 de 10:30 a 13:00 horas.
Nos vemos allí.
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